Email Rx

Have you changed your email address? Have you got several, some you don’t check so often? Does it seem like a long time since you received an email from SCBWI WWA?

Three steps you can take to make sure you hear all the news about upcoming events:

1. Update the head office. Go to, log in, go to “Manage my profile,” and confirm that your profile includes your current email address — you know, the one you actually check. Long-time members in particular may find that the organization’s records are out of date. If that’s the case, you’ll have to call or email the office in LA, since you can change your snail address online, but your online member access is tied to the email they have on record. Email [email protected] or call 323-782-1010.

2. Whitelist [email protected] by adding us to your address book. Spam filters often catch our emails because they come from an automated system.

3. Subscribe to this blog, if you haven’t already. See the left-hand sidebar (you may need to scroll down. If you’re reading this from your inbox, you’re already a subscriber.)

Occasionally a member will click the link provided in our emails that enables you to opt-out of receiving them, and then change their minds. If you think you may have done this but want back in on the news, email us at [email protected] and we’ll check and change your option, if need be.

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