Allyson Valentine book release event

Because she’s super-excited, I will let Allyson tell you her news herself:

After a long and crazy journey, my debut novel, How (Not) to Find a Boyfriend, is being released June 14th from Penguin. This girl deserves a party, and I hope you can join me for the celebration!

And… Did I say free Molly Moon’s ice cream? Yes!

Nora, the protagonist in How (Not) to Find a Boyfriend, is a
raving Molly Moon’s fan who rates guys using an ice cream scale based on
her favorite Molly Moon’s flavors. To help celebrate the launch of the
book, Molly Moon’s is donating ice cream to my launch event!

To reiterate: Friday, June 14th at 7pm at Secret Garden! Come get a bowl of ice cream! What flavor raking does your main squeeze deserve?

Hope to see you there!! 

Where: Secret Garden Books in Ballard
When: Friday, June 14th at 7pm
Why: Because you only release a debut novel once!


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