Summer illustration course for teens

This message found its way to my inbox. This could be a great opportunity for a burgeoning teen artist and illustrator this summer!

My name is Tyler Parker and I am a Seattle-based children’s
book illustrator. I’m writing because  thought this might be of interest
to you or your members. In addition to my children’s book work I teach
at Cornish College of the Arts as part of their Summer At Cornish
The course that I teach is called
Sequential Design and Illustration and it is essentially an introduction
to illustration class for students ages 15-18. We spend a
significant portion of the class focusing on narrative illustration and
children’s books. If there are any young illustrators who are looking to
learn a bit more about illustration and children’s books, this is a fun
opportunity. Last year we focused a lot on character development, visual
storytelling, reinterpreting classic stories and creating consistent
worlds. It is a four-week course, taking place from July 8–31, 2013.
More information about the program is here, and I’d be happy to provide any more information or answer further questions. 

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