Local illustrators in SCBWI Bulletin

From our illustrious, newly appointed ARA Dana Sullivan:

Those of you who have looked through the SCBWI Bulletin that arrived in
the mail last week may have noticed that our Western Washington chapter
had THREE illustrators featured in the issue. Our cover boy is Mike
, winner of the 2012 Winter Conference Portfolio Showcase. On page
14 he gives an interview, talking about how he works and what inspired
the cover. See Mike’s work by clicking here.

Next up is Dalton Webb, who got the Art Spot on page 6. Check out his work here,  and maybe ask him how YOU can get that spot next month.

And then, not least of all, there is the amazingly prolific (even with a busted shoulder)
Mike Cressy
, with (count ’em!) THREE black and white illustrations in the People
section of the Bulletin. Mike’s making some money this month! Mike’s
weird and wonderful portfolio is at mikecressy.com. And for an extra bonus, check out Mike’s YouTube demonstration of how he illustrated his book Super Alphabet.

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