near Santa Cruz, CA, for 16 advanced/published writers. You’ll be
offered partial or full novel critique(s), in written and open-clinic
format, by Regina Griffin (Executive Editor, Egmont USA) and Fiona Kenshole (agent, Transatlantic Agency; former executive editor); both seeking new talent. Plus, one more agent TBA. Annemarie O’Brien, MFA (author of forthcoming Lara’s Gift),
will provide behind-the-scenes tips on how to collaborate with your
editor and agent. Other faculty topics include revision techniques,
inline editing, and adapting cinematic techniques to your fiction.
our concurrent TeenSpeak Novel Workshop, smart teens provide
target-reader feedback on adults’ manuscripts. (A generous parent has
donated scholarship money for a qualified teen writer; please help us
find a recipient!) Adults’ Early Bird fee is $769 through May 20.
(Teens: $499 through late June.) Includes three nights’ beachfront
townhouse lodging and most meals; critiques additional. Application
deadline June 20, but inquire ahead to complete the materials. Final manuscript submissions are due June 28, with possible extensions throughout summer. Open until filled. Apply early to hold your space! Details and contact info here.