Conference Sneak Peek: Ammi-Joan Paquette

Ammi-Joan Paquette

From the first glimpse of her inviting and colorful website, author-agent Ammi-Joan Paquette has a lot to say. Not only has she written and released two novels (Nowhere Girl, Paradox) and two picture books (The Tiptoe Guide to Tracking Fairies, The Tiptoe Guide to Tracking Mermaids)––with more of each on the way this summer and fall––but she manages to maintain and work with her list of clients as an agent at the Arizona-based Erin Murphy Literary Agency from her home in Massachusetts. Her Erin Murphy experience complements her lifelong devotion to reading and writing and telling stories. Each role, it seems, nourishes the other. And how! We’re looking forward to learning from her unique perspective from both sides of publishing, as well as to her future publications.

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