Getting her feet wet in the publishing industry was akin to being a kid in a candy store for literary agent Joanna Volpe. From Blue Marlin Publications, where she worked as a publisher’s assistant, to time at FinePrint Literary and Nancy Coffey Literary, she started her own agency, New Leaf Literary. One of Joanna’s claims to fame is that she represents Veronica Roth, the author of the highly successful Divergent trilogy, as well as Kody Keplinger (The Duff, Shout Out). For more information on Joanna’s take on the publishing world, as well as what she’s most interested in, see this spotlight feature and this interview. We’re so glad she’s coming to offer her point of view this year!
Yay Joanna! Yay New Leaf! 🙂
WOO HOO!!! The best agent ever!! I wish I lived closer so I could attend!!
Thanks, guys. 🙂