Peggy King Anderson’s classes

I guarantee that the rest of winter will be snow and ice-free! So I’m inviting you all to sign up for one of my two Magic of Writing for Children evening series. Come join me and your fellow writers for a fun, hands-on series of writing classes.

THE MAGIC OF WRITING FOR CHILDREN (Beginning) Bellevue College, North Campus Location, beginning Tuesday, January 15th, 6:30-9:30 PM, 6 week series. A winter bargain, at $189

you always wanted to write for kids?  When you try, do you run into
ogres, trolls, and wicked stepmothers?  (otherwise known as writer’s
block, wandering plot lines, and cardboard characters)  We may not have a
fairy godmother, but we DO have help for you!  In this eight week class
we’ll cover the basics of writing for kids, with tips for getting past
the dragons you meet along the way.   
In addition, classes will include
writing exercises, and the opportunity to get feedback on your own
writing.   By the end of these six sessions, you will be joyfully
THE MAGIC OF WRITING FOR CHILDREN  (Intermediate/Advanced)Bellevue College, North Campus location, beginning Wednesday, January 16th, 6:30-9:30, 6 week series. A winter bargain at $189
now you’ve taken at least one writing class, and you’re ready for more.
Join Peggy in this second level class to work on your current writing
project. We’ll still have lots of fun writing exercises, and learn some
more advanced writing techniques, such as how to put VOICE into your
writing. But there will be lots of time for feedback on your writing
project, whether it be a short story or article, or the brave start of
your novel.
Contact Bellevue College at, or call 425 564-2263
Questions?  Email Peggy at [email protected]
(Okay, so I can’t really guarantee a snow and ice-free winter, but all the rest of the above is absolutely true!)

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