Farm-to-table reading events

An invitation from Philip Lee:
September is Food Literacy Month and October is National Farm to
School Month
, so it’s a good time to raise awareness about what and how
we eat with kids and families. 
I’d like to invite SCBWI members to two events we’re
planning with Mockingbird Books in Green Lake to promote food literacy in celebration
and anticipation of Food Day on Wednesday, October 24. 
On Sunday, October 21, from noon–3pm, authors, Rick Swann (Our School Garden!) and Cynthia Lair (Feeding the Young Athlete: Sports Nutrition Made Easy for Players,  Parents and Coaches)
will present. 
There will also be a farmers market of school garden
chicken farmer demonstrations, food sampling from local food growers and
producers, and gatherings of garden educators, teachers and
librarians, and good food advocates. 
Wednesday, October 24 also marks the release of our newest book, Sylvia’s Spinach,
the picture book debut for SCBWI member Katherine Pryor. From 6–8pm,
Kathy will give a book talk followed by a reception at Mockingbird
Books. We expect to have many
of our partners from the food and education world together to connect
good reads and good eats. 

Please join us for these special events!

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