Grief in Fiction book from Denise Jaden

presenting on the topic of Grief in Fiction at a recent Pro Series
meeting, YA author Denise Jaden has compiled and expanded her notes on the
included exercises and key points, and is releasing it as a new author’s
resource in ebook and paperback.

In her first nonfiction book, Writing With A Heavy Heart: Using Grief and Loss to Stretch Your Fiction, Jaden explores the stages and
outlets of grief and how to implement them into your fiction to create
interesting characters and a more engaging plot. Some topics of this
book include: grieving before the loss, spiritual matters, and how grief
affects different ages, personality types and gender.
Writing With A Heavy Heart: Using Grief and Loss to Stretch Your Fiction is available at the following links:
The paperback version is available at Create Space, as well as through
(The price is the same on both, $6.99)

The e-book is available for $2.99 at:

And it will be coming soon to Barnes & Noble, iTunes, and Sony (but
you can pick up a copy that will work on pretty much any electronic
reading device through Smashwords.)

Note: It is a workbook, including exercises, but all versions of the
book and e-book include a link where you can print the exercises for
your own use.

Help Denise spread the word, and if you get something out of it, she’d love to hear about it! Find out more at

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