Mazama’s first annual book fest

Here’s a winning formula: Take some seriously gorgeous scenery, add some great watering holes that happen to come with great victuals, stir in authors, their books, a whole lotta bibliophiles and––presto!––you have yourself a fabulous summer book event in the Pacific Northwest!

The lovely Methow Valley hamlet of Mazama is set to host its first annual Festival of Books, the weekend of August 18-19, 2012.

Sunday, August 19th will be of particular interest to SCBWI-ers, as it’s focused on Children’s and Young Adult authors, in particular 2011 WA State Book Award winner and Methow Valley resident Erik Brooks (Polar Opposites and The Practically Perfect Pajamas, an IRA/CBC Children’s Choices selection), who will be interviewed by public radio host Katherine Lanphere.

Erik Brooks

Danbert Nobacon

 Later that day, author/founder of punk group Chumbawamba Danbert Nobacon (Three Dead Princes) will share the stage with Los Angeles-based YA novelist Blake Nelson (Paranoid Park, Girl, Dream School).

Blake Nelson

For a complete schedule of events and times and all that other good stuff, click here.

Come one, come all––it promises to be well worth the drive.

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