Children’s writing retreat featuring Katherine Grace Bond

TEEN/Write founder, Summer of No Regrets author, and all-around local writing Renaissance woman Katherine Grace Bond will be teaching in the Teen division of the amazing-sounding, upcoming Pacific Coast Children’s Writers Novel Workshop and Retreat. Go, Katherine!

The other good news? There are still a few openings for this conference, which is being held in inspiring Santa Cruz, California on October 5-7, and which only accepts 16 writers.

Special guests also include Senior VP and Publisher of three Macmillan imprints, Simon Boughton; agent and owner of the Prospect Agency, Emily Sylvan Kim; agent Joe Monti, from Barry Goldblatt Literary, and more.

Okay, hang on while I catch my breath….


For more details on the conference, click here.

For those of you who end up going, please let me know what you think. I’m happy to compile a list of retreats and workshops and conferences that you all find yourselves in. It could help a lot of other folks locally find the right place to hone their craft. Aside from our own wonderful conferences, that is!

One thought on “Children’s writing retreat featuring Katherine Grace Bond

  1. For the last three years I've chosen to go to Highlights Foundation Whole Novel Workshops. There I have worked with established writers who have read my whole novel draft and work with me to improve it over a week spent together. These have been so valuable to my novels.It would be great to have more of that kind of thing offered through SCBWI. This sounds like it might be moving in that direction, so kudos to our leadership team here in Western Washington. Best, Claudia Finseth

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