A Pratt Fine Art School–Weekend Workshop: Creating Your Own Graphic Novel Taught by Rollin Thomas
Bar Code 2739
This is a good introductory course for beginning graphic novelists and for picture book creators.
This is a two day intensive weekend workshop offered on Saturday, June 2 and Sunday, June 3 from 10 am to 6 pm. We will break for lunch at 1 pm both days. Bring your lunch and we can chat about our favorite graphic novels.
It is intensive but we will cover what you need to know to start and even get started creating your own novel. We will start with terminology, look at drawing styles, media choices, page layouts and pacing, character creation and story lines, both plotted and non plotted. We will look at drawing emotion and picking the right moment to illustrate in each frame/panel and how to move the readers eye to follow the story line and get them to turn the page. Balloon, editorial boxes and other storytelling tools we will tryout for ourselves. We will even get some time to talk about coloring and who to send your work out to sell and get published. Lectures to see process and examples plus exercises will make this a fun weekend. You need only bring a pencil (a number 2 will do) and copier paper. It is also nice to have but not necessary: a pad of tracing paper 8-1/2″ by 11″, a 12″ ruler or any straight edge, and one nice eraser–I like white plastic.
You can register here.
You can also check out Rollin’s website for more information about Rollin.