University Bookstore has some fantastic events this month!!! Here are a few to peruse…
Wednesday • May 9 • 7pm

Kristin Cashore
Reading & Book Signing
University Temple United Methodist Church, Chapel 1415 NE 43rd Street
If you read Kristen Cashore’s books Graceling or Fire we imagine you are eagerly awaiting this new companion to that series. Bitterblue is now the queen of Monsea, but her kingdom is still under the spell of a madman–her father. It takes two thieves to help her move her kingdom past the man’s influence.
Tuesday • May 15 • 7pm

ParentMap presents Howard Behar
Reading & Book Signing
Village Theatre, 303 Front Street, North Issaquah
An empowering talk on leadership for teens and their parents. Drawing on his incredible life experiences, former president of Starbucks inspires teens to explore their values and begin plotting a course to realize their dreams. Join Howard Behar, former president of Starbucks Coffee Company and author of It’s Not About The Coffee, for an enlightening, inspirational, and refreshing talk about leadership principles that is sure to energize and motivate the minds of both young and the young at heart (that’s you parents!). Pulling from life experience, Mr. Behar will enlighten and inform by sharing anecdotes about his own leadership decisions that went on to make Starbucks the multi-billion dollar, international success that it is today. Tickets are $20 in advance/$25 at the door. for more information.
Saturday • May 19 • 11am
University Book Store’s Annual Bookmark Contest Awards Ceremony
Every year, University Book Store asks K – 8 kids to send us designs for our bookmark contest, and every year we marvel at the creativity and craftsmanship of our community. On May 19, we honor our favorites from four divisions by printing them for our customers, and holding an awards ceremony. This year’s theme, Words Make Worlds, inspired some remarkable work by some remarkable kids. Stop by and check them out.
They also have kid’s story times throughout the month. For more information on May’s events you can check out their website.