Good News for Peg Kehret and Kirby Larson

Peg Kehret & Kirby Larson

Good News and fun times for fellow SCBWI WWA members Peg Kehret,  Kirby Larson (and also SCBWI members Mary Nethery and Jean Cassels). 

Both Peg and Kirby were in Missouri this past weekend, Peg to receive the 2011 Mark Twain award for STOLEN CHILDREN , and Kirby to accept the 2011 Show Me award, on behalf of Mary Nethery and Jean Cassels, for TWO BOBBIES. At the end of the evening, the award committees announced the 2012 winners: Peg won for RUNAWAY TWIN and Mary and Kirby won for NUBS!  Kirby says it was pretty exciting, in addition to being an historic occasion — the first time any authors have ever won Missouri young readers’ choice awards, back-to-back!

Congratulations!!! For more information on Kirby, and her work you can visit her website. You can also find information about Peg, and her work, on her website

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