A few years ago, SCBWI Western Washington had the good fortune to have Mark Siegel out. If anyone can be said to be a champion of amazing comics and graphic novels for kids and adults, raising the bar with each and every publication, it’s Mark Siegel. I think his organs may actually be panels. If you look closely, his words come out in speech bubbles!
So it’s awesome news for North Carolina that they’re having a: Graphic Novel Workshop with Mark Siegel, Editorial Director, First Second Books
Here’s the workshop description from SCBWI Carolinas. Wish we could be there! If you happen to feel like a jaunt east, why not check it out (and Malaprops is supposed to be awesome!):
Confused about how to write and submit a graphic novel? Interested in illustrating a graphic novel? Are you an illustrator/writer with a graphic novel proposal? Register for Mark Siegel’s Graphic Novel Workshop, in Asheville, North Carolina, May 19, 2012. Cost SCBWI members, $95.00, Non-members $115.
There will be a free presentation, Graphic Novels and the New Visual Literacy, at 7:00 PM, Malaprops Bookstore in Asheville, North Carolina on Friday, May 18, 2012. Workshop location TBA.
Learn the entertaining and informative history of comics in America. Mark Siegel, the Editorial Director, First Second Books, which BoingBoing, dubbed “one of the great literary comics presses of the modern world,” will take you through a popular workshop which has been honed in writing programs and art schools all over the country.
This workshop is for the writer and/or illustrator interested in pursuing publication in the most dynamic and exciting publishing market today. Mark offers a unique exploration of the graphic novel genre (focused on but not limited to those working in the graphic novel form.) Mark is a talented illustrator and writer of graphic novels. You can enjoy his work at Sailor Twain.
SAILOR TWAIN is really wonderful not only for being a serial web comic with jawdroppingly good art and a mysterious story, Mark puts these amazing blog posts up chronicling his research/inviting fan discussion. And there are steamboat parties related to the story!
First Second also put out the amazing, THE SILENCE OF OUR FRIENDS, by locals Jim Demonakos and Mark Long (stellar artwork by Nate Powell.)