April Published Pro Think Tank

As we did last year, SCBWI Western WA will host a Think Tank for PAL members on the Friday afternoon prior to our 21st Annual Writing and Illustrating for Children Conference. The Think Tank will be held on Friday, April 20, 2012, from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the Marriott Redmond Town Center. This event will be a Marketing Show and Tell in which we share some of our most effective and favorite promotional ideas — and maybe a few hard-knocks lessons — with one another.

PAL members who are not attending the conference can sign up to attend for free by emailing senselj (at) yahoo (dotcom). Space is somewhat limited, so don’t delay. Please note you must be a current SCBWI member at the PAL (published and listed) level to attend; you might want to confirm your PAL status at scbwi.org prior to emailing.

If you’ve already registered for this event while registering for the conference, there’s nothing you need to do now; just stay tuned for more information shortly. The conference is just around the corner – yahoo!

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