Writing Short Stories from First Sentence to Submission
Wednesday evenings, April 18 – June 13
6:30 – 9:00 p.m.
This is an intensive nine-session writing class. Each student is expected to write approximately 2,000 – 7,000 words a week and produce a portfolio of 2 – 5 short stories. During the first four weeks students plot short stories and write them to completion. The second half of the class is devoted to editing and revising one story from the student’s portfolio. Students will learn to edit their own work and to receive and give constructive criticism. At the end of class students submit their polished stories to literary or genre markets. Fee: $195.00
This class is taught in Bellevue at Bellevue College’s new North Campus. For more information please follow this link to the Bellevue College website.
If you have any questions about whether this is the right class for you, please feel free to email Lois ([email protected]).