So much Good News for fellow SCBWI WWA member Kirby Larson!!
First, check out this story on her blog. She recently had one of her dreams has come true!! When she wrote The FRIENDSHIP DOLL, she secretly hoped that some reader might be inspired to look for and find one of the missing dolls. And it’s happened, thanks to an intrepid librarian!! Such a great story to check out!
An on that note of Good News, THE FRIENDSHIP DOLL, has just received the following Good News!
-The NCSS-CBC Notable Social Studies Committee has selected the following titles to be included in the Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People 2012 master list, a cooperative project of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) and the Children’s Book Council (CBC). Also on the list, Dori Jones Yang’s DAUGHTER OF XANADU!
-The THE FRIENDSHIP DOLL was selected as a NCTE/CLA Notable Children’s Book in the English Language Arts
– THE FRIENDSHIP DOLL has been nominated for a Maine Student Book award (news to be formally announced April 2).
Lots of great news for Kirby!!! For more information on Kirby, and her work, you can also visit her website.