MG Mystery Short Story Contest

Children’s Writer is having a middle grade mystery short story contest. First prize is $500 and publication. Submissions are due April 30.

Current Contest:
Middle-Grade Mystery
The contest is for a well-constructed fictional mystery that will engage readers 9 to 12, to 900 words. Entries will be judged on structure, appeal for the audience, use of the best elements of the mystery genre, and an interesting protagonist.
Among the possibilities are a scary but age-appropriate story, a puzzle the reader is asked to solve using problem-solving skills, or a mix of mystery with another genre, such as historical, inspirational, or humorous fiction. The judges will look for originality, and publishability.
For more information visit their website (go to the writing contest tab and read through the criteria- there is a $15 fee for non-subscribers that will get you an 8 month subscription to the online magazine). Thanks to Lois Brandt for sending the link!

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