Do you have a new book coming out in the next few months? If so, it’s time to apply to the Inside Story, our region’s twice-yearly celebration of new books. Here are the details:
When: Wednesday, April 25, 7 p.m.
Where: Mockingbird Books, 7220 Woodlawn Ave. N.E. in Seattle
Who: In addition to our authors and illustrators, we’re inviting booksellers, librarians, and members of the general public.
We have room for 15 or so presenters, and we will take applications on a first-come, first-served basis. The application deadline is Feb. 29.
You need to be able to say “yes!” to all of the following:
- You are an SCBWI member at the PAL level and your profile at is updated to reflect this.
- You live in the official Western Washington region. If you’re a member and uncertain which region you’re in, please email us and we’ll check for you.
- Your publisher is on SCBWI’s lists of recognized (traditional) publishers; (found in the SCBWI Market Surveys or on the registration pages of the SCBWI website).
- Your book is released between four months before or three months after April 25.
- Your book is readily available through normal trade channels (e.g., Baker & Taylor).