February portfolio review–deadline extended!

Attention Illustrators!

We had a slight mailbox glitch, so some of you weren’t able to submit your portfolios for the February Professional Series Meeting by the original deadline of December 20th. It should be all cleared up now, so you are free to resubmit until December 23rd. Happy holidays!

If you tried to submit your portfolio, but got an email error message, please do submit again. If you received a reply from Dana Arnim, then your submission was received and you do not need to re-send your files.

Get your portfolio tuned up by Caldecott Honor illustrator Margaret Chodos-Irvine. We are now taking submissions for this fantastic opportunity. Margaret will curate a group of the submitted images for review and commentary during our February meeting. (Note: Not all submissions will be used.) Margaret will provide suggestions and comments on how to improve everyone’s portfolios for conference shows, as well as for submission to agents, art directors, and editors. It will be a stellar night for illustrators at the February Professional Series Meeting!

The Details: Email 5 or 6 .jpegs to [email protected] by December 20. Please reduce your file sizes to no more than 2MB per image. Please label each image: FirstName_LastName_01.jpg, FirstName_LastName_02.jpg, etc. Failure to follow these submission guidelines will result in your images not being sent to Margaret for review.

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