Free Workshops with Joni Sensel

Need more words to meet your NaNo challenge? A little world-building is a great way to do it, while adding depth to your work at the same time. Joni Sensel will lead a couple of workshops on world-building in mid-November, and they’re all FREE:

  • November 15, 4 – 5 p.m., Lake Forest Park library (adults or teens welcome)
  • November 17, 7 – 9 p.m., PNWA monthly meeting, Chinook Middle School, Bellevue (If you’re not a member, PNWA allows guests to attend one meeting a year) ETA: Actually, this one’s a public event sponsored by the King County Library System, so all are welcome!

She’ll also be leading a free workshop in writing for middle-grade and YA readers on November 19, from 2-3 p.m., Richmond Beach library. This one’s an intro session. Questions? Email joni (at)

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