COME JOIN THE PARTY asSCBWI Western Washington AUTHORS share the spotlightOn the STAGES ON PAGES NATIONWIDE BOOK TOURTWELVE YOUNG ADULT & MIDDLE GRADE AUTHORS BRING STORIES OF THE STAGE TO THE PAGES OF THEIR NOVELS AND TO BOOKSTORES NEAR YOU!Ex-ballerinas and theater geeks, opera singers and violinists populate the cast of the STAGES ON PAGES author tour stopping at bookstores across the country to share stories of their teen years as performers and to celebrate the literary and performing arts. At many stops, they’ll be joined by young actors, singers & dancers! Raffles, signed books, candy and fun. More info at*ROSANNE PARRY (Second Fiddle, Random House)* STASIA WARD KEHOE (Audition, Viking)*CONRAD WESSELHOEFT (Adios Nirvana, Houghton Mifflin)* TARA KELLY (Amplified, Henry Holt)*LOUISE SPIEGLER (The Jewel & the Key, Clarion)* JESSICA MARTINEZ (Virtuosity, Simon & Schuster)This week, they’ll be stopping at the following Pacific Northwest Bookstores:NOVEMBER 3 at 6 PM – Secret Garden Bookshop, SeattleNOVEMBER 4 at 4 PM – Third Place Books, Lake Forest ParkNovember 5 at 4 PM – Orca Books, OlympiaNovember 6 at 2 PM – A Children’s Place, PortlandFor more information:Bernadette Cruz, Publicist Stasia KehoePenguin Young Readers Group [email protected]345 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014 www.stagesonpages.comP: 212.414.3561 P: 425.844.9958[email protected]