SCBWI WWA had a great time at Northwest Bookfest over the weekend. The weather could have been nicer, and the crowds could have been bigger, but the company couldn’t have been better. We had fabulous authors and illustrators showing off their talents in the booth continuously both days, along with book sales and signings, giveaways, and outreach to many librarians and potential new members.
Authors and illustrators who participated included:
- Stephanie Barden,
- Bonny Becker,
- Elizabeth Blake,
- Tom Brenner,
- Erik Brooks,
- Royce Buckingham,
- Robyn Chance,
- Holly Cupala,
- Carole Dagg,
- Lois Harris,
- Laurie Isop,
- Nick James,
- Karen Kincy,
- Katherine Kirkpatrick,
- Helen Landalf,
- Liz Mills,
- John Abbott Nez,
- Katherine Schlick Noe,
- Joni Sensel,
- Wendy Wahman,
- Richard Jesse Watson,
- Conrad Wesselhoeft, and
- Jennifer Shaw Wolf.
And many others also dropped in to read, draw, or just say hi. Thanks!
Many thanks to everyone who volunteered to help make our booth a success, including the authors and illustrators, University Book Store, and especially, Tina Hoggatt and her trusty assistant, Dana Sullivan, for pulling it all together!
Gee, thanks Laurie – and all the authors and illustrators as well as volunteers who gave of their time. It's a great bunch!