First, the good news!
Mindy Hardwick is happy to report that her middle grade novel, STAINED GLASS SUMMER, has sold to Musa Publishing with a December 2011 release date. Musa is an royalty paying, e-publisher and they are open to middle grade and young adult submissions. You can find out all about the long, ten-year journey to publication on Mindy’s blog.
The classes:
On Saturday, October 8, Mindy will be teaching “Writing the Picture Book” at the University Branch of the Seattle Public Library. The class runs from 2-4 p.m. and is free.
On October 3, Mindy will be teaching an on-line workshop, “Plotting the Romance for Teens and Tweens.” The workshop is a part of the Muse On-Line Conference, and registration is free! Once you register, you’ll be able to access the conference (including Mindy’s workshop) through a Forum. The Muse Conference is a week-long conference in which you can participate in one-day workshops, week-long workshops, and chat rooms. You can also sign up to pitch to an agent including: Caryn Wiseman of Andrea Brown and Laurie McClean of Larsen Pomada Agency. Muse-It-Up Publishing, the Sponsor of the Conference is a royalty paying e-publisher who accepts middle grade and young adult submissions. They will also be taking pitches!
Registration ends September 25, 2011.Sign up and find out more here.
For more information about Mindy, and her work, make sure you visit her website.