The Magic of Writing Classes with Peggy King Anderson

There’s room for a few more in Peggy King Anderson’s writing classes, starting soon. See the information below and come join us! This is your opportunity to bring your writing to a new level, and have fun doing it!

The Magic of Writing for Children,( Beginning )
8 week series of classes, Tuesday evenings, 6:30-9:30
First class Sept 20
North Campus, Bellevue College

The Magic of Writing for Children, (Intermediate/Advanced)
8 week series of classes, Wed evenings, 6:30-9:30
First class Sept 21
North Campus, Bellevue College
Cost $195 for either series Sign up online here.
Questions? Call or email
To find out more about Peggy, head for her website.
It’s a fun place to visit—be sure to check out her blog when you get there.

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