Red Pencil in the Woods- A Conference for Editors and Other Word Lovers

The Northwest Independent Editors Guild is pleased to present Red Pencil in the Woods, a conference for editors and other word lovers, on Saturday, September 24, at Bastyr University in Kenmore.

The featured speaker is Chicago-based Carol Fisher Saller. Carol is an author of children’s books as well as the editor of The Chicago Manual of Style Online Q&A and the author of THE SUBVERSIVE COPY EDITOR. Her latest book for middle-schoolers is the newly published EDDIE’S WAR, a historical novel inspired by a diary her father kept during World War II, when he was 12.

Red Pencil in the Woods will bring together editing, publishing, and marketing experts from around the Northwest to share their knowledge on such topics as e-book publishing, Twitter for word lovers, marketing and branding for freelancers, technical editing, and writing and editing for board and video games. It’s a full-day conference, which includes a continental breakfast and lunch. Registration is open now at this link.

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