You’re Invited to a Free Film Premiere!

sALA and iYouth are excited to announce the Seattle premiere of Library of the Early Mind, a documentary that explores “the art and impact of children’s literature on our kids, our culture, and ourselves.”

The film has been screened around the country and will be shown at this year’s ALA meeting in New Orleans, but, thanks to the efforts of iSchool faculty member Eliza Dresang, we have been given the opportunity to host the first screening in the Pacific Northwest!
When: Wednesday, May 25, from 7-9 p.m. Where: Allen Auditorium (bottom floor and behind Suzzallo) Admission: Free
The film features nearly 40 prominent authors and illustrators talking about their work, its genesis and its impact. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity! Check out the trailer, information about the filmmakers, and more at the Library of the Early Mind website.

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