Northern Network Schmooze–May 4th

If you live in the Bellingham area, the WWA SCBWI Northern Network wants to invite you to our May Schmooze. It will be the last opportunity before we break for the summer, so please come!

Northern Network Schmooze
Wednesday, May 4, 7:00-9:00 pm
Barnes & Noble, Bellingham, Washington
“Twitter and Facebook and Blogging—Oh My!”

We’ll kick off our evening by sharing a brief conference highlight (from those of us who were able to attend). Then we’ll slide into the subject of social networking: Why should I? What are the benefits? How do I do it? Please join us for an encouraging evening as we discuss these questions and more.

No RSVP required. We will be meeting at Barnes & Noble again (in the café). Questions or comments? Please contact Angelina Hansen:

Hope to see you there!

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