Rosanne Parry: Character and the 7 Deadly Sins

Developing Flaws in the Characters You Love

Rosanne Parry is the author of DADDY’S HOME and the middle-grade novels THE HEART OF A SHEPHERD and SECOND FIDDLE.

What you need in a story is conflict.

People in this industry are nice people. A lot of nice people write nice characters.

Rosanne sees others write many characters with quirks rather than flaws. Quirks can be charming and funny, but you need characters that make choices that escalate the conflict.

Rosanne Perry
Character and the 7 Deadly Sins
Develop flaws in the characters you love
While you’re getting settle please jot down a few adjectives that describe your main character. (slide)
What you need in a story is conflict. 
People in this industry are nice people. The nice people write nice characters. 
See characters with quirks rather than flaws. Quirks can be charming and funny, but you need characters that make choices that escalate the conflict. 
Give them a sin to stuggle with.
1. Pride or Vainglory…a preoccupation with self
2. Envy or Covetousness…a desire for what belongs to others
3. Anger or Wrath…uncontrolled feelings of hatred and prejudice
4. Laziness or sloth…failure to engage in productive work
5. Greed or Avarice…seeking more than your share
6. Gluttony…excessive consumption of any kind
7. Lust or Luxury…excessive interest in physical pleasure
With which sin is your character most likely to struggle with?
*In a stressful situation, characters struggle more with their core sin. It becomes more tempting.
Also think about the…
The 7 Heavenly Virtues
At the pivotal moments of your story will your character choose to act accordingly to their fundamental sin or their fundamental virtue? That’s what gives a story emotional power.

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