Peggy King Anderson Classes

The Magic of Writing for Children classes, taught by Peggy King Anderson, still have openings, both in the Beginning and the Advanced Class. This 8 week series is a great way to follow up on all the wonderful excitement and story ideas you bring away from the SCBWI conference. And if by some chance, you couldn’t get to the conference you will still love Peggy’s classes.

The Beginning Magic of Writing for Children begins this coming Wednesday, April 13, from 6:30-9:30 p.m.
The Advanced Magic of Writing for Children begins Tuesday, April 19, from 6:30-9:30 p.m.

For more information or to sign up, go online here, and if you have questions email Peggy King Anderson at [email protected], or call her at (425) 823-6149.

Make sure you go and take a look at Peggy’s new website (it’s super cute).

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