2011 Conference Series- Faculty Q & A with Lin Oliver

One week! One week! I can’t believe we are so close to our 20th Annual Writing and Illustrating for Children Conference!! We have a few more Faculty Q & A’s to share, and with the week’s countdown it seems only right to share Lin Oliver’s answers. Lin is the SCBWI co-founder, and one of our Distinguished Faculty member. You can read her conference bio here. Lin has a wonderful sense of humor (as you’ll see).

If you hadn’t become a writer and formed the SCBWI, you might have been an….
Earring designer or a potter.

What is the best and worst advice you were given when you started in children’s literature?
The best advice is: Approach writing the way you jump into the ocean. Be prepared to splash around and make merry! (E.B. White)
And the worst advice is: Write what you know. I think you should write what you wonder about. You already know what you know.

What were your favorite books as a child? And now?
My favorite books as a child were the LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRARIE SERIES. How I loved Pa. Also WINNIE THE POOH. (I still have a thinking place, just like Pooh did.) As a teen, I loved FIFTEEN by Beverly Cleary, and all the books of Max Shulman (THE MANY LIVES OF DOBIE GILLIS), and of course, CATCHER IN THE RYE. My favorite books now are JANE ERYE, PRIDE AND PREJUDICE, CHARLOTTE’S WEB, and anything with a horny vicar.

What do you most want our attendees to know about you?
That I have a secret crush on flirty vicars? No, really. That I feel incredibly lucky to be involved with children’s book creators. It is the best peer group in the world. I can think of no other group I’d more like to be a part of.

What are you most anticipating about being part of the 2011 SCBWI faculty?
Talking to everyone there and asking personal questions. I love to get the true scoop on all attendees.

What’s your favorite snack?
Oh, tuna melts. Wait, that’s a meal not a snack. So then I guess I’d have to say those little baby drumsticks with chocolate at the bottom of the cone that come ten to a pack. Cookie dough flavor, please.

What do you like most about your job? What do you like least?
I love the people I get to work with (children’s book folk) and I love that I get to exercise creativity every day. That is never to be under-estimated. What do I like least? That’s easy. Getting up in the morning. I would like all jobs to begin at noon, which coincides with my own peculiar circadian rhythm.

Fun answers from Lin! Make sure you visit the event website to get your name on the waiting list (registration is full).

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