How can authors and illustrators help their books sell well?
The Modern Author must have a comprehensive and interactive website; on-line video content; maintain a living list of contacts that she/he both emails and mails to quarterly (or to announce special events). She/He ideally should aim for as many school visits per year as possible; become acquianted with every children’s librarian, school, bookseller, and children’s literature specialist in her/his state or region; create classroom activities and/or discussion guides unique to each book. And she/he must continue to produce the best possible books.
What was your favorite book as a child?
Do you think “celebrity books” are on the rise? Why?
“Celebrity books” are absolutely on the rise. One reason is that they can get away with it; their fame gives them the clout. Another reason is that the publishing model of the largest houses are more and more resembling their adult division counterparts. They actively seek the blockbuster bestsellers as a primary goal of their programs, and celebrity sells.
You can see a video (about mid-page) where Tim reads from BENJAMIN FRANKLINSTEIN LIVES! (Tim is the editor for the book). Make sure you visit the event website to get your name on the waiting list (since registration is full).