2011 Conference Series-Agent Faculty: Marietta Zacker

Three weeks from today I’ll be headed to Redmond for our 20th Annual Writing and Illustrating for Children conference (just three weeks!!!)! We have just a few more faculty to highlight! And last, but not least of our Agent Faculty is Marietta Zacker. Marietta is an agent with Nancy Gallt Literary Agency. Marietta works with authors, illustrators, publishers, educators and readers. On her Nancy Gallt bio it says this about Marietta:

As an agent, she is passionate about bringing those worlds together. She represents authors whose words make her pause, shiver or laugh out loud and illustrators who add a completely different dimension to the story being told.

Literary Rambles did an Agent Spotlight on Marietta, which features some great interview links to check out! Here’s a great Q & A from an interview on Market My Words.

As an agent, what are you looking for in a writer/manuscript?

Work that moves me – whether through words, illustrations or both. I look for manuscripts and illustrations that speak to the rich, complex, diverse world we live in and hope to work with people that are just as passionate as I am about the vital function children’s books serve in our society.
A fun fact about Marietta is that she owns a bookstore in her hometown in South Orange, NJ called Sparkhouse. She’s got a very unique perspective as someone who owns a bookstore, and is an agent! Make sure to put your name on the conference waiting list (registration is full) on the SCBWI WWA event registration page.

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