Are You a Picture Book Marathoner?

During February 2011, over 400 children’s writers worldwide will be “writing” a picture book marathon. A marathon goes approximately 26 miles. They’ll be writing 26 picture books (one a day for 26 days). The marathon is designed as a motivational tool to jumpstart their writing.

If you’re signed up, you’ll be able to connect on the website. If you’re not, you can still check out the website, and follow the blog (which is full of great tips; including story starters).

2 thoughts on “Are You a Picture Book Marathoner?

  1. I am, and so far I'm 2 for 2. Erik Brooks is also doing it. Let us know if you're in it with us!

  2. Yes, and thanks to Laurie's invite I now have 3.5 ideas relatively committed to paper. It seems like a good way to jump start the pen to paper, so jump on in while the jumpin's good!

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