Inside Story: It’s Time to Apply

We’re delighted to announce our chapter’s Spring 2011 Inside Story. We hold this party twice a year to celebrate new books by local authors and illustrators, and to share the secret “stories behind the stories” with fellow children’s book lovers.

The event is at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 27 at University Bookstore in Bellevue, 990 102nd Avenue Northeast. Mark your calendars, please!

You are eligible to participate as a presenter if you meet ALL of the criteria below:

  • You are an SCBWI member at the PAL level or have signed up for SCBWI Western Washington’s current regional programming;
  • You live in the official Western Washington region. If you’re uncertain which region you’re in, please check online at using the “Search Members” feature, or email us and we’ll check for you.
  • Your publisher is on SCBWI’s lists of recognized (traditional) publishers (found in the SCBWI Market Surveys or on the registration pages of the SCBWI website);
  • Your book is released within four months before or three months after the event; AND
  • Your book is readily available through normal trade channels (e.g., Baker & Taylor).

We do our best to accommodate all eligible applicants, but do have to cap the number to make sure the event doesn’t run too long. If you’re interested and you meet those eligibility requirements, we recommend applying quickly. Applications are due Feb. 28.

Click here for the Spring 2011 Inside story Application.

If you applied last time and didn’t make the cut, please note that in your application. And if you don’t hear from us within a week, please contact Martha (insidestory AT

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