InteractBooks Seeks Submissions

This is not an SCBWI Western Washington sponsored event. SCBWI Western Washington is not endorsing, representing, or familiar with Richard Johnson, and/or InteractBooks. If anyone is interested, you’re free to contact him directly. As always, writers and illustrators should do their research and decide if the opportunity meets industry standards for compensation or if they’re willing to work experimentally, if that’s part of the deal.

Richard Johnson, VP of Business Development at InteractBooks, LLC. is currently taking submissions for completed children’s books (text and illustrations) to bring forward onto their InteractBooks iPad/iPhone platform.
They are a new company, located in Texas, and have just submitted their app to Apples App Store. The app should be available for download by Christmas or shortly thereafter.
Richard will be in Seattle from December 23-31. If you would like to meet him for a presentation and discussion the week after Christmas please contact him through his e-mail and/or phone number listed below.

Phone: 512.576-5432

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