Congratulations to Christina Wilsdon! Her book FOR HORSE-CRAZY GIRLS ONLY was published by Feiwel & Friends, an imprint of Macmillan, September 28, 2010! Here’s the Macmillian link. Christina says she has loved horses all her life, and is mom to a horse-crazy daughter, so she’s really excited about this book. She also says it was the most incredible fun to research and write it over the past two years.
Secret Garden is hosting a launch party Monday, October 25, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Horsy treats, say hello to a Butterscotch Fur-Real pony (and suggest a name for her), and a door prize (not the pony!). Girls are invited to bring along their favorite horsy plush pal or horse model, if they’d like.
For more information on Christina, and her writing, check out her blog, and her website. She also writes for the Woodland Park Zoo Examiner.