Corporate Essentials for Artists

Do you sell your art, but not know the difference between a sole proprietorship, LLC, or corporation? Think you need to grow your sales before you form your business? Whether you are thinking about starting a business, have started your business (but haven’t formed an entity), or if you are just looking for an overview of the different options available, this workshop is for you. Andy Shawber and Jerry Chiang will discuss the various types of legal entities and the relative merits of each. They will cover the distinction between nonprofit and for-profit entities, the steps to obtain tax-exempt status, and how the formation of a legal entity can facilitate the protection of intellectual property interests. This is a practical workshop – the presenters will walk the audience through the specific steps to forming a legal entity, with an overview of the necessary documentation and a real-time web-based demonstration. Bring your questions!

This takes place Wednesday, September 29, from 12 – 1:30 p.m. (registration begins at 11:30 a.m.) at the Wilson Sonsini Goodrich Rosati (701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5100, Seattle, WA 98104). Cost in advance: $35 Attorneys and Paralegals; $10 Artists and Students, and at the door: $40 Attorneys and Paralegals; $15 Artists and Students. To register, visit Brown Paper Tickets, or call: 800.838.3006. To pay at the door, RSVP to Washington Lawyers for the Arts at 206.328.7053.

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