Events, Classes, and More!

There’s so much going on this Fall. Make sure you check out these upcoming events and classes.

Writing for Teens and Tweens Online Class Scheduled to Start Soon!

Looking for feedback on and help shaping the young adult or middle-grade novel you’re working on? The next session of Ann Gonzalez’s online craft and workshop class is set to start this coming Sunday, September 26. It’s only $125 for eight weeks and comes with a money-back guarantee. To enroll or for more information please contact Ann at [email protected].
Liz Mills will be at Mockingbird Books (7220 Woodlawn Ave NE) this Saturday, September 25, at 11 a.m. Mills will be reading (and singing!) her new picture book THE SPOOKY WHEELS ON THE BUS. The event is billed as a “sing-along good time for children 3-5.”
Illustrator Craig Orback has two new Children’s Book Illustration classes starting soon in Bellingham. He is the illustrator of over fifteen books for children including the picture books THE CAN MAN and NATURE’S PAINTBOX: A SEASONAL GALLERY OF ART AND VERSE. He has been teaching illustration and painting classes locally for nine years. To learn about his work visit his website.

Children’s Book Illustration I: Immerse yourself in the world of children’s book illustration in this introductory course. Through in-class assigments using a variety of media, you will learn basic techniques to complete illustrations for young readers. Also learn the business side of children’s book illustration, including what it takes to get your work seen by the right people. Character consistency, portfolios, contracts, and other topics are also covered. Basic drawing skills are helpful but not required.

Children’s Book Illustration II: Craig Orback invites you to explore in greater depth your passion for children’s book illustration. In this intermediate course, you will learn, step-by-step, how to create a children’s picture book dummy that, when finished, can be submitted to publishers for possible publication. From developing an initial story board to completing full page sketches, this is the perfect course if you have a children’s story you have longed to illustrate and potentially publish!

For cost, times, and to register for either class (they are listed under Orback), please go here.
The Magic of Writing for Children classes (taught by Peggy King Anderson) begin this week at Bellevue College, North Campus. There are still a few slots left in both the Beginning and the Intermediate/Advanced class. Sign up by going online here. If you have questions, feel free to email Peggy: [email protected]

Peggy “hopes to see some of you there for eight weeks of writing fun, as we work hard and write fast!”
Doug Keith and Rollin Thomas are teaching a three term course Introduction to Children’s Picture Book Illustration at Pratt Fine Arts Center starting Wednesday Sept. 29, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. for eight weeks. Go here to learn more and register. The cost is $370, which includes learning about picture books and graphic novels. The class is limited in size with only a few positions left, so please sign up soon if you are interested. Contact Rollin by phone (206-282-8088) or email: [email protected] for more information.
Leapfrog: Hop Your Way To a Well-Crafted Picture Book

Writing Workshop lead by Author/Illustrator, Richard Jesse Watson, this Saturday and Sunday, September 25 and 26, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. The cost is $150 and will be held at The Writers’ Workshoppe. Visit their website for more information.

Loosen your imagination and tighten your writing. Discover Watson’s approach to unleashing creative potential. Join this seasoned author/illustrator as he demonstrates the interactive leapfrog method to story development. By alternating between words and pictures you will bound ahead in your narrative skills. Watson will give you tools to ignite your passion. Everyone has stories to tell. Come find out how to make your stories compelling. For more information on Richard Jesse Watson, visit his website.

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