Professional Series Meetings Starts Tonight!

The 2010-2011 Regional Programming starts tonight! There is no Mini Program, the Main program begins at 7:00 p.m.

Main Program: FALL EDITOR PRESENTATION AND ART SHOW with Noa Wheeler, editor at Henry Holt. Tonight, check out our local illustrators’ great work while you mingle before the meeting, then listen as Noa shares her expertise from an editor’s point of view. She’ll discuss FINDING YOUR PROFESSIONAL WRITER (OR HOW IS A RAVEN LIKE A WRITING DESK?). Flexibility and revisions may be a theme, since she says, “Sometimes I end up scrapping what I’m working on and going in a whole new direction!” Regardless, we’re sure to hear a brilliant presentation. Noa has worked with award-winning authors and illustrators such as Bryan Collier, Denise Fleming, and Peter McCarty. Recent titles include the critically-acclaimed Charles and Emma by Deborah Heiligman and The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate by Jackie Kelly (a Newbery Honor book).

For more information, registration for programming, directions, fees, etc. visit the SCBWI Western Washington website! Hope to see you all there!

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