Writing With the Stars:
A Conference for Readers, Writers,
and Teachers of Children’s Literature
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Boise State University
1910 University Dr
Boise, ID 83725
Student Union Building, Jordan C Ballroom
8:30 am to 5:00 pm
Cheryl Klein, senior editor at Scholastic
Jill Corcoran, agent at the Herman Agency
Chris Crutcher, author, educator and family therapist known for his realistic fiction. Some of his books are Running Lose, The Crazy Horse Electric Game, and The Sledding Hill
Kelly Milner Halls, a nonfiction writer for young readers. Books include Dinosaur Parade, Saving the Baghdad Zoo, and Dinosaur Mummies
Amy Allgeyer Cook, debut novel The Invisible Sister
Syndey Salter, author of My Big Nose and Other Natural Disasters, Jungle Crossing, and Swoon at Your Own Risk, regional advisor for Utah/Southern Idaho SCBWI
Laura Bingham, author of Älvor
Sarah Tregay, debut novel Love and Leftovers will be published by Katherine Tegen Books/HarperCollins
Features This Year:
*Book signing by authors, Friday evening, September 10, at the Rediscovered Bookshop from 6-8 pm, 180 N. 8th Street, between Main and Idaho.
Graduate and In-service Credit
Through Boise State University, earn either graduate or in-service credit.
Credit requirements include:
* attendance at the Friday night book signing at The Rediscovered Bookshop from 6-8 pm
* attendance at the 8:30 am credit meeting on Saturday
* reading one book from each author
* and a reflection paper.
To register for graduate credit, go online tohttp://www.facebook.com/l/e3105vfi2HtIyWpmc4tu7znr_mw;www.boisestate.edu orhttp://www.facebook.com/l/e3105CGb6DfCCfHvIYoH5oC7wpg;broncoweb.boisestate.edu/and follow the instructions on registering for classes. The class number for graduate credit is ED-LTCY 594, Section 001-WRK (78697).
You may register for in-service credit at the Friday night book signing.
In addition to payment for credit, you must register for the conference and pay the fee for registration.
First page Critiques
* Submit your your first page along with your registration form and payment. Electronic submissions are not accepted.
Registration Instructions:
Print registration form, fill out, and send with check for total fees to:
Neysa Jensen
1809 North 7th St.
Boise ID 83702
Registration Fees and Deadlines:
General registration:
* SCBWI members: $105
* non-SCBWI member: $125
* BSU students: $55
Manuscript critique: $45
First page critique: $10
Registration form:
Name: ______________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________
SCBWI member: Yes___ No___ BSU student: ______
General registration: Quantity________ Total________
Manuscript critique: Total_________
First page critique: Total _________
Grand total of all fees____________
Please make checks out to SCBWI Utah/southern Idaho
Sorry, we are unable to process credit cards at this time.