Holly Cupala Book Trailer Launch Party

If you’ve been following Holly Cupala, and her debut novel, TELL ME A SECRET, then you know she’s launched her book trailer this last Monday August 2. If you’ve missed it, they’ve extended it through today! It’s a party, so of course they’ve got great prizes (including signed books, jewelry, and t-shirts, and more).

HOW TO WIN? Share the Trailer Love!

Click here to go to YouTube, then click the Share button to send to your Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, or blog! 5 pts each
Click here to tell us where you posted and enter to win!

Plus Holly will be featured at readergirlz for the entire month of August, with a live Twitter chat coming up! Click here for that link. Holly hopes you enjoy the trailer, and thanks everyone for being part of the virtual tour and party!

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