Farewell from Martha, hello to Rebekah

After three years of working on the Chinook Update, I’m moving on to a new position on the advisory committee. I’ll manage the Inside Story, and Rebekah Jensen will take over as editor of this blog and the calendar.

To send information about your news, classes, events, and to share helpful bits you find on the Internet, please  e-mail [email protected].

Thank you for reading the Chinook Update, and good luck with your writing and illustrating!

– Martha

7 thoughts on “Farewell from Martha, hello to Rebekah

  1. You've done an incredible job, Martha! Thank you for all you've done (and do), and thanks to Rebekah for taking over as editor. Our advisory committee is awesome. 🙂

  2. Thanks for making the blog funny, relevant, informative, and celebratory. I've learned so much from your posts. I'm looking forward to your ideas for Inside Story and I welcome Rebekah as blog editor, but you'll be missed!

  3. the chinook update has been such a great read during your tenure — thank you for all your writing, research and perennial humor. i'll miss the special martha touch, but look forward to reading rebekah!

  4. a thousand thank yous for the many thousand words you've shared to inspire, encourage and educate the local children's writing community!

  5. Three cheers for Martha! You have rocked the blog world, bringing the Chinook update into that format. It was a terrific improvement, making it so accessible and constantly updating it. You will always be my blog role model! And I wish you the best in your new AdCom job. Rebekah, thanks for taking over blog duties! We really appreciate it. : ) I'm sure you'll be awesome.

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