Illustrator Craig Orback has an event this Friday night, May 14 at Village Books in Bellingham at 7 p.m. for THE CAN MAN.
Craig will be doing a Powerpoint presentation on how THE CAN MAN was created. He’ll also read from it, and there is also an art exercise for kids. Signed copies will be available for sale. He has been getting some great press in places like the Chicago Sun Times, Chicago Tribune and The Hartford Courant in Connecticut.
Craig realizes many of you are pretty far south but hopes you will consider making the trip Fairhaven where Village Books is located. Quaint Fairhaven near Bellingham is a great destination paired with a drive
up beautiful Chuckanut Drive!
Here is a link for more information on the event.
(Note from Martha: Village Books is one of my favorite stores, and Craig’s right about the drive. What he didn’t mention is that there’s a converted British tour bus down the street where you can choose from about 50 flavors of soft-serve ice cream. AND…I read THE CAN MAN to a class of third graders. They were spellbound.)