This comes from the Creative Penn blog:
Authenticity is incredibly important these days as people are sick of the marketing spin that is used by so many. You as an individual are unique and therefore no one else can be like you. Your writer’s voice needs to be just as authentic – but how do you find that authentic voice?
Julia McCutchen is the founder and creative director of the International Association of Conscious and Creative Writers (IACCW) where writers discover their authentic voice – on the page and in the world. Julia is also an intuitive writer’s coach, mentor and professional publishing consultant based in the UK, as well as the author of ‘The Writer’s Journey: From Inspiration to Publication‘.
One point she touches on in a 34-minute podcast is this: What is the writer’s voice? Journey into yourself to discover who you are authentically, combining your unique gifts and expression in congruent forms and then reaching as many people as you can with it. Expressing your own truth in the world – through content and style.
Hi Martha, I'm so glad you enjoyed the podcast. Authenticity is such an important point these days! Why do we all try to be someone we are not?
Thanks for the mention and all the best, Joanna