Before She Takes My Log In Privileges Away…

Check out this great article/interview on Lane Morris Buckman’s Outside Lane blog about our very own super friend and Chinook Update editor, Women Worth Knowing: Meet Martha.

Martha is also the push behind this up-at-dawn working routine that other SCBWI locals like Benjamin Watson, Kim Baker, and Jolie Stekly are now practicing. Follow them on Twitter — Ben, Martha, Jolie, Kim, to get high fives at five, too!

And since Martha isn’t a horn tooter (and all I do IS toot!) did she tell you she’s on SCBWI TEAM BLOG?!?!? Yes, Martha will be blogging at the upcoming LA Conference. And she’s also going to be blogging for MSN Entertainment’s Books Superfan blog with me, soon?!? Darn tootin’.

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