You might want to let your inner Pinky and/or Leather Tuscadero know that Fonzie is coming to Bainbridge Island to talk about the latest in the book series he co-wrote with the SCBWI’s beloved Lin Oliver. It’s also the last book in the series, so if you’ve ever wanted to bask in the glow of Henry Winkler’s coolness, this is your big chance.
Here are the details:
West Sound Reads! and Eagle Harbor Book Company presents a discussion and book signing with actor Henry Winkler, based on his book A BRAND NEW ME (Hank Zipzer series #17), Sunday, May 2, at 1:30 p.m. at the Commons at Bainbridge High School. The event is free and open to the public. The program will be followed by a question and answer session and a book signing.
Winkler’s series, aimed at 8- to 12-year-olds, follows the adventures and tribulations of Hank Zipzer, a bright, dyslexic boy in New York City. School presents challenges for the student, who is an enthusiastic learning, but often runs afoul of teachers and classmates who don’t understand his learning differences. With a great family support system, two best friends, and his own considerable charm and creativity, Hank succeeds in grade school.
For more information, please call (206) 842-5332 or (360) 692-2375 or
visit us online a www.eagleharborbooks.com.