Tim Gillner: Don’t send him book dummies. Send a sample if you’re an illustrator.
Edward Necarsulmer: Have your password-protected portfolio online behind. You and your agent can send via e-mail.
Elizabeth Law: Asks about postcard samples she gets in the mail. Now, she’s relying on websites. Should artists still be sending postcards?
Lisa Graff answers: Loved postcards. Liked having a physical thing, even though this is changing. You can save a postcard but you’re more likely to delete an e-mail. You NEED a website as an illustrator. You need to showcase variety on this (show off the styles you can do).
Tim Gillner: Please put your phone numbers on your websites. He can’t spend all day trying to look this up, and normally makes first contact on the phone. (“We’re not stalkers. We like to help you.”)
Lynne Polvino: Still looks at postcards, but you need a website, too.
Elizabeth Law: Only show what you do well–so if you can’t draw people and you’re just showing range, it might discourage people.